Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Astaxanthin and Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Skin Care

Astaxanthin is one of the ingredients which show great promise for promoting healthy skin cell regeneration. As microalgae, it is a fat-soluble antioxidant. This nutrient protects skin from sunburn and likewise defends the eyes from acquiring damage from UV rays. Astaxanthin provides further benefits, likewise, in the form of forbidding oxidative damage to the nervous system and has indicated promising benefits as a supplement to avoid Alzheimer’s disease.

Because it is fat soluble, it binds to fats during the digestion process and carried afterwards throughout the body. The best way to ingest astaxanthin is by consuming it along with healthy fats in one's diet. In order to ascertain that astaxanthin can offer benefits and be a part of a healthy diet, some people take it in conjunction with omega-3 fatty acids.

There are many sources of omega-3s but those from New Zealand’s green lipped mussels are especially stronger and more effective than plant-based. Because the New Zealand mussels are manufactured purely on accredited farms of New Zealand, you are assured that they do not contain high levels of mercury or other hazardous metals.

Another advantage of using green lipped mussel oil is for its anti-inflammatory abilities. Omega-3 oils have been established to enhance the central nervous system, respiratory system, and cardiovascular systems. Some generalize that omega-3s can likewise enhance the mood and brain function. Green lipped mussel oil is sincerely a super food with all its health benefits for internal and external organs.

For those who are concerned with developing radiant, smooth, and healthy skin, a supplement that combines the superior antioxidant qualities of astaxanthin with the essential omega-3 fatty acids of the green lipped mussel may be the best product to consider. Astaxanthin and green lipped mussel oil is an excellent, natural way to better the nutrients feeding the skin from the inside out.

There are a plethora of cosmetic products on the marketplace nowadays which claim to reduce wrinkles and make skin more youthful, but most bear a variety of ingredients that are probably harmful. The natural approach to skin care is the objective of numerous people and green lipped mussel oil is one way to attain your best skin naturally.

For more tips with green lipped mussel oil, learn more details at NZ Pure Health official site. Learn more with Natural Cures Blog from herbal medicinal alternatives to diet as a treatment.

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